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This Week in Math (May 28 – June 1)

This week, we are being introduced to the concept of ROUNDING to the nearest ten.



Students can use number lines to physically see which ten their number is closest to. It can sometimes be difficult to know where a number is relative to the tens. Students can use a Hundred Chart to find the number OR they can draw out a number line by counting forward and backward.


Practice your 2-point shots with this rounding game!

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This Week in Math (April 9th)

This week we are learning how to add two-digit numbers that require REGROUPING.

REGROUPING is what you may have learned as “carrying”. However, in order to understand the concept, we are not simply putting a little bitty one on top of the next column. In REGROUPING, we draw out the numbers using base ten representation and circle when our ones create a “ten”. Then we can count our tens and our ones.

Check out this fantastic teaching video to understand the concept of REGROUPING:

Once you understand the process, it is time for some practice!!!



For Parents: This page gives a detailed explanation of how students learn addition, with good visuals to understand why it is taught a certain way.

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This week in math: Review

We are reviewing everything from February and March this week, which includes:

(1) Quickly adding and subtracting sums up to 20

(2) Reading a thermometer and choosing the matching season for the temperature

(3) Determining the Missing Term in an addition or subtraction up to 2-digits


22 + ____ = 46

______ – 31 = 24

I highly encourage students to practice their Doubles and their Doubles Plus 1 facts this week. Here are some resources:

Doubles Flashcards

Doubles plus/minus 1 Flashcards

IXL practice questions

Here are some practice questions for Missing Term:

1-digit addition

2-digit subtraction

2-digit addition

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This week is Math (January 15th): Telling Time

This week in math we will be covering:

  • Telling time to the hour, half hour and quarter hour
  • Writing time in analogue and digital forms
  • Estimating time of day for various events (ie; waking up, breakfast, lunch, dinner, bedtime)
  • Understanding that there are 60 seconds to the minute, 60 minutes to the hour and 24 hours to the day.
  • Determining the duration of elapsed time to the hour and half hour

Below are some helpful videos to practice the above skills at home:

Students can also practice telling time on IXL on the following tabs.

P.1, P.2, P.3, P.4, P.5, P.6, p.7, p.8, p.9

Here is a fun games to practice elapsed time:

Practice Elapsed time by the hour



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This Week In Math (December 4th) – Adding and Subtracting

This week in Math, we are working on 2-digit addition and subtraction WITHOUT “carrying” (though the term is regrouping). For example…

To support this skill, students should review their addition facts as well as practice the 2-digit addition skill. In school, we are using base-ten blocks to help organize our thoughts.

Here are some games to practice with at home:

This video is a FANTASTIC and quick lesson for students and parents alike:

For additional practice, try LEVEL 4 and LEVEL 6 of this computer game:

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This Week in Math (Nov 27): 3d Shapes

This week, we are transitioning from 2D Shapes to 3D Shapes. We are reviewing the following shapes and discussing the 2D shapes we can find in their faces.

Triangular Pyramid
Square Pyramid
Triangular Prism
Square Prism
Rectangular Prism

For fun at home, check out this video to review some of the 3D Shapes!

As a fun activity at home, students can print out these nets and fold them into 3D Shapes.

Just click this link to download:  NetsPack